JJ Fleeman (CEO Ahold Delhaize US) is profiting from animal cruelty

In 2019, Ahold Delhaize committed to going 100% cage-free for all U.S. brands by 2025 – and committed to phasing out caged eggs for private label eggs at multiple banners by 2022. Now, it's 2025 and Ahold Delhaize USA and their CEO JJ Fleeman are failing to act.

In December 2024, Ahold Delhaize USA further delayed its cage-free transition, extending the timeline by an additional seven years. They still have not transitioned their private label eggs to cage-free, three years after the original timeline they committed to.

Battery cages are so cruel that they are banned in many states and countries across the world, yet their U.S. stores still sell eggs to customers from these filthy and cruel environments.

This is a pivotal moment for Ahold Delhaize USA to honor its original commitment to animal welfare, and take meaningful, tangible, time-bound actions to get hens out of cages.

Millions of animals are suffering. Sign and tell JJ Fleeman, CEO of Ahold Delhaize US, that he must take immediate action to get hens of cages.
Mr. Fleeman,

In 2019, Ahold Delhaize committed to going 100% cage-free for all U.S. brands by 2025 – and committed to phasing out caged eggs for private label eggs at multiple banners by 2022. Now, it's 2025 and Ahold Delhaize USA is failing to act. As the CEO, you have the responsibility to put an end to this cruelty.

In December 2024, Ahold Delhaize USA further delayed its cage-free transition, extending the timeline by an additional seven years. Now, your company says it aims to reach 70% cage-free by 2030, and 100% cage-free by 2032 – but it's unclear what you are doing to make this happen. You still have not transitioned your private label eggs to cage-free, three years after the original timeline you committed to. Why should your customers believe that you have plans to follow through now, when you won't even stop selling caged eggs for your own brands?

Mr. Fleeman, battery cages are so cruel that they are banned in many states and countries across the world. Ahold Delhaize itself has acknowledged the animal welfare issues associated with battery cages, yet your U.S. stores still sell eggs to customers from these filthy and cruel environments. In Massachusetts, where it's illegal to sell eggs from caged hens, you follow the law – so why can't you implement the same basic animal welfare standards in the other states you operate?

Your customers care deeply about the treatment of animals. When customers learn about the cruelty hens endure in caged egg facilities, they are understandably outraged and don't want to support this. This is a pivotal moment for Ahold Delhaize USA to honor its original commitment to animal welfare, and take meaningful, tangible, time-bound actions to get hens out of cages.

As the CEO, we urge you to take immediate action to accelerate your cage-free egg transition. Millions of animals – and their suffering – are in your hands.

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