Stop Sinclair Broadcasting Group

  • por: Eric Thompson
  • destinatário: David D. Smith, President and CEO, Sinclair Broadcasting Group
The Sinclair Broadcast Group, a conservative leaning company, whose television outlets reach nearly one-fourth of the nation's homes with TV, is ordering its stations to preempt regular programming...just days before the Nov. 2 election. Why? To air a film that attacks Sen. John F. Kerry's activism against the Vietnam War.

Michael Moore couldn't buy advertising on CBS, NBC, ABC and Fox for the release of his Fahrenheit-9/11 dvd. These networks are represented among Sinclair's affiliates.

"Nightline" aired the names and information of all US soldiers who had been killed to date in Iraq, however, Sinclair pulled "Nightline" off their affiliates for the night saying it was a "blatant attempt to influence public opinion." Having said this, the anti-Kerry film is deemed to be news by the Sinclair group.

Using the public airwaves to air such a blatant partisan film that attacks a specific candidate, as scheduled content, is against FCC regulations and FEC election law.

CBS recently tried to air "The Reagans" on their network, but conservatives across the country threatened to boycott CBS advertisers if the movie ran. CBS pulled the movie.

Please let Sinclair Broadcasting know that they are operating outside of the law, and that you will not support their affiliates or advertisers.

We, the undersigned, respectfully request that Sinclair Broadcast Group not air the documentary Stolen Honor. We believe that it is inappropriate and unfair to air partisan propaganda in the last 10 days of an election campaign. We will make our position known to Sinclair, its advertisers, and any affiliated organizations.

Electioneering Restrictions and Disclosure Under The Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act (BCRA), state: "funds from corporations (whether nonprofit or for-profit entities) and unions may not be used to pay for 'electioneering communications', which are broadcast, cable, or satellite communications that:

- refer to a clearly identified Federal candidate;

- are broadcast within 60 days before the general election of the candidate or within 30 days before the party primary, convention, or caucus that nominates the candidate;

- are targeted to the "relevant electorate," i.e., over 50,000 persons in the State or district that the candidate seeks to represent.

Exemptions are provided for news stories, commentaries, editorials, and candidate debates and forums. BCRA gives the FEC authority to make additional exemptions, so long as they do not promote, support, attack, or oppose a Federal candidate."

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