Pledge to Give an Hour for Earth

Water is life. It flows through every ecosystem, every community, and every living being on our planet. Yet each day, our freshwater systems face mounting threats from pollution, overuse, and extreme shifts in our climate.

But we have the power to make a difference. Just one hour of your time can create change. Take the pledge to give an hour for Earth and help protect and restore our water sources. By submitting your name here, you will help meet WWF's goal of 125,000 hours of collective action.

Dear World Wildlife Fund,

I'm joining the movement to protect Earth's precious freshwater. I pledge to give one hour of my time to reconnect with and protect our planet's most vital resource by participating in one of these actions:

  • Every drop counts: Water use challenge. I'll track my water use in a single day—from morning showers to evening dishes—to discover my personal water usage and identify opportunities to conserve.

  • Exploring my local waterways. I'll spend one hour immersed in the beauty of a nearby river, lake, stream, or wetland, documenting what I discover and deepening my connection to these vital ecosystems.

  • Understanding the water footprint of food I eat. For one week, I'll use the Water Footprint Calculator to uncover the surprising amount of water in everyday foods and make changes that can save gallons.

  • By better understanding my relationship with water, I become part of a global community working toward a healthier, greener, and more sustainable future for all life on Earth.

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