Save our native bushland

  • por: Elena Rubio
  • destinatário: David Templeman, Minister for the Environment, W.A. Government

It is truly heartbreaking all the bush that is destroyed to make more and more houses here in Perth. 

Shouldn't we preserve as much of our precious bushland as we possibly can?
I hope that the Western Australian State Government will attempt to find a solution before it's too late. Our future depend on what we do now!
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It is truly heartbreaking all the bush that is destroyed to make more and more houses here in Perth.  I consider myself partially responsible for this because I live in Butler where it was a bush until quite recently. However I was completely unaware how tragic the situation was until I finally saw the destruction with my own eyes.  It's very sad to see the big empty spaces where it was once bush, with all the uprooted trees piled up on the sides of the road. And it is not uncommon to find dead animals like snakes, lizards and even kangaroos.

Australia is indeed a blessed country. I know because I come from Europe where wild animals are virtually impossible to find anymore.  But here you can see kangaroos, possums, lizards - and this is wonderful.  Shouldn't we then preserve as much of these precious things as we possibly can?

I hope that the Western Australian State Government will attempt to find a solution before it's too late. 
Our future depend on what we do now!.

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