Demand the Clean Energy Future We Deserve

Offshore platforms littering the nation's coasts. Oil derricks pumping in the last refuges of Alaska. And even more record profits for Big Oil.

It's a grim future if Big Oil has its way -- but we still have time to stop them and promote the clean energy future we deserve.

In the last weeks before the election and into the next year, legislators will be considering measures that would open up millions of acres to more drilling -- even though Big Oil already has permission to drill on almost 70 million acres -- and even though Bush's own Department of Energy has admitted that more drilling will not lower gas prices!

Drilling along our coastlines and in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge will not solve our country's energy problems or ease our dangerous addiction to oil. We cannot allow Congress to be fooled by the smooth talk of Big Oil -- take action today!

Perpetuating our dependence on dirty fossil fuels will not solve our nation's energy problems. That is why I urge you to vote against any legislation that would open up new acres for drilling -- offshore, in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, and on the Outer Continental Shelf. We are counting on your leadership to stand up to these greedy oil companies and pass legislation that promotes clean, renewable energy.

As it is, oil and gas companies are only using 18% of the leases to which they already have access to drill. Proposing new areas to drill when companies are not drilling everywhere they have permission to underscores the immense greed of the energy industry.

Rather than addressing America's real energy needs -- energy independence, cleaner energy and lower prices -- more drilling only promises more oil dependence, potential oil spills, increases in global warming pollution, and threats to our economy and wildlife.

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Please do your part to help us move towards a clean energy future that creates new jobs and saves consumers money by voting against more drilling, and for a clean energy future.
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