Save the TC1x00 Line

  • por: Leonard R Knight, Jr
  • destinatário: Mark Hurd, Chief Executive Officer and President, Hewlett-Packard Company
No other machine represents the tablet pc concept as well as the TC1x00 line from HP.  Recently discontinued, the TC1x00 is missed by many of it's loyal owners.  We ask that the TC1x00 line be reinstated and upgraded.  There are many buyers in the world just waiting for this unique machine to be available again.

We, the loyal customers of HP, ask that the TC1x00 line be reinstated and that an updated version be made available.  We have dollars in hand to spend on a new machine and no product in the market comes close to the wonderful design and engineering of the TC1x00 line.  Test us please by offering an updated version of the TC1x00; you will see how quickly they are taken from the shelves.

This petition is created using a TC1100 which was purchased as an upgrade to an older TC1100.  We love this machine!
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