Stop Bill Cosby's "How To Get Away With Sexual Assault" Tour

  • por: Lacey Kohlmoos
  • destinatário: Birmingham Mayor Bell, Chicago Mayor Emanuel, Detroit Mayor Duggan, Philadelphia Mayor Kenney

Some 60 women have come forward alleging that Bill Cosby drugged and sexually assaulted them. The allegations stretch back decades, but due to the statute of limitations, Andrea Constand was the only victim who was able to bring a case against the comedian.

Unfortunately, the trial ended in a deadlocked jury. Andrea's case will be retried within a year, but Cosby is treating the mistrial as a win. So much so that now he is planning a five-city tour to talk about how to avoid sexual assault allegations.

According to Cosby's spokesman, Andrew Wyatt, the town halls will be aimed at helping married men and young athletes avoid sexual assault charges. You'd think the best way to avoid such charges would be to not do things like drug and touch women without their consent. But in Cosby's twisted mind, it appears that the sexual predators are the victims and the women they assault are the aggressors.

The venues for Cosby's "How to Get Away with Sexual Assault" tour have not yet been announced, but his spokespeople have said that there will be at least one town hall in Birmingham in July, followed by stops in Chicago, Detroit, and Philadelphia.

Any city, and any venue within that city, that agrees to host Cosby's tour will be helping to send the message that it's OK to sexually assault women as long as you know how to beat the charges. As a resident of Philadelphia, I cannot let that happen in my city. And I will not stand by and let that happen in any other city either.

Sign my petition to demand that Birmingham, Chicago, Detroit, and Philadelphia stand against Bill Cosby and his efforts to strengthen rape culture in our cities. Tell the cities' mayors to speak out against Cosby's tour.

Atualização #36 anos atrás
On April 2nd, Bill Cosby will face a retrial on sexual assault charges in Pennsylvania, the only state where the statute of limitations for the 60+ allegations had not expired. In this moment of #MeToo and #TimesUp, please donate to show survivors that we are with them and will hold this celebrity predator accountable. Your donations will help mobilize leaders across the country to abolish statutes of limitation on rape and sexual assault.
Atualização #27 anos atrás
Bill Cosby’s lawyer is now saying that Bill Cosby will not be going on tour anytime soon. Just because they are backtracking again, does not mean that the town halls won’t take place after Cosby’s retrial. We still need to remain vigilant and make sure that the tour does not happen. Please share this petition.
Atualização #17 anos atrás
Due to the incredible backlash, Cosby's team is trying to walk back their original publicly stated plan for the town halls to be about sexual assault. But just because they are backtracking today, does not mean that tomorrow the town halls won't be about how to avoid sexual assault charges. We still need to remain vigilant and make sure that the tour does not happen. He should not be planning a comeback tour when he hasn't been acquitted. A mistrial is not a "not guilty" ruling.
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