Stop the bloodbath at the Gadhimai Mela Festival

  • por: SPCA International
  • destinatário: Prime Minister and Council of Ministers, the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development, and the Ministry of Home Affairs
Gadhimai Mela is a festival every five years that witnesses the unimaginable sacrifice of thousands of innocent beings: buffaloes, goats, sheep, and more, all in the name of religious beliefs.

An estimated 500,000 people are expected to attend the Gadhimai Mela in 2024; the scale of animal sacrifice is beyond distressing.

Tens of thousands of animals will lose their life. Help us transform this upcoming event into a 'Bloodless Gadhimai'.

Sign to help us stop the brutal and inhumane slaughter of thousands of animals at the Gadhimai Mela Festival.
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