Protect Tasmania's World Heritage Forests

It's unprecedented. No government has ever tried to overturn a decision of the World Heritage Committee for political reasons.
But right now Environment Minister Greg Hunt and Prime Minister Tony Abbott are asking the UNESCO committee to reject some of Tasmania’s old growth forests — approved for the world's highest protection just last year.
This would enable logging in ancient forests like the Upper Florentine, Styx and Weld Valleys and would mean an end to the peace deal brokered between industry and conservationists after decades of conflict.
Australians and the World Heritage Committee are being told that much of the heritage area is already logged and not worth conserving. This isn't true! Less than 7 per cent of the 74,000 hectares they want to reject has ever been logged, and an
even smaller percentage of that has been clear-felled.
Tasmania's forests are home to many endangered species, like the Eastern Quoll and Tasmanian Devil. They desperately need the protection given by World Heritage status.
Sign the petition calling for the World Heritage Committee to stand by your decision to protect Tasmania's magnificent forests with World Heritage listing.
It's your World Heritage, join us now, sign our petition and add your voice.
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