A child dies of malaria every 30 seconds. Children are especially susceptible to this
deadly disease because of their fledgling immune systems. Malaria, spread by something as
seemingly benign as a mosquito bite, is especially problematic in Africa.
Scientists are developing a vaccine to combat malaria that would save many lives in
places like Africa. The vaccine reproduces the natural immunity against malaria that usually
takes years to develop -- so it is especially beneficial to young children. The vaccine was extremely successful in tests in Mali, and studies are set to expand.
This vaccine could prevent death for thousands of African children, giving them a
chance at life that might otherwise be devastated by the prick of a mosquito. Tell President
Obama to support studies of the malaria vaccine.
Dear President Obama,
Scientists are developing a vaccine, FMP2.1/AS02A, to combat malaria. In developing countries like Africa, where malaria is prevalent, this vaccine would be extremely beneficial, especially for young children.
A child dies of malaria every 30 seconds. Their fledgling immune systems are not strong enough to combat this deadly disease -- but this vaccine reproduces natural immune protection that would otherwise take years to develop.
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No one should die of malaria, a disease spread by something as seemingly benign as a mosquito bite. I urge you to support the studies of this malaria vaccine that can potentially save thousands of children's lives.