This petition is a formal Demand for the city of Rancho Mirage to enforce the animal code restrictio

  • por: Jim Jim
  • destinatário: City of Rancho Mirage
This petition has been created to help the residents that live in close proximity to the goat farm located at 39200 Kelly Ln Rancho Mirage, Ca. 92270.

Over the years the goats have been allowed to multiply to large numbers that clearly exceed the code allowance of 4 farm animals. Approximately 24 goats at current time. This kind of uncontrolled breeding could also create a mutation effect on the animals thru incestrial breading, according to the city ordered veterinarian that was sent to investigate the health of the goats last year.

This over population has led to an unacceptable fly population and odor problem for the nearby residents as well as health concerns. This goat farm is having a negative impact on many of the resident’s quality of life. Please read attached letters.
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