People For a Bigger, Better Downtown ECC Campus

  • por: Young Citizens for ECC
  • destinatário: Bring the ECC Health and Science building to the downtown campus - Where it belongs

If you haven't heard, Chris Collins and Jack Quinn have proposed a new Health and Science building at the North Campus in Amherst. While we appreciate this investment, we believe that this building belongs downtown, the doorstep of the world class Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus.


There are multiple reasons that our Downtown Campus deserves a facility like this, far to many to list.

The major reasons why we want this innovative facility are:

1. This innovative addition to downtown will assist in the growth and overall success of the regional medical campus which will have long term educational and economic benefits for the entire Western New York region.

2. Having this facility within arms reach of such world class research will open unlimited opportunities for the students of ECC to learn and grow.

3. The downtown campus is a regional transportation hub and with 32% of Buffalo's population being without a car, having fast, reliable transportation access in a must.

4. Access is key - The Downtown Campus has access to 28,000 parking spots, 1 metro rail, approximately 32 bus lines, 3 major interstate highways and is located in the center of the region.

5. The Downtown campus has been neglected and deserves the investment.

6. Amherst is already a traffic nightmare with 23,400 cars/day on Main Street - why would they want more? Downtown will gladly accept it.


We really could go on and on here about why the Downtown Campus needs this investment. We really just think that putting a health and science building within a major, world class medical campus just makes perfect sense.


Luckily, with the new budget crisis, there is a funding gap and the project is at a temporary halt. This gives us the opportunity to bring this issue to the attention of our regional leaders and demand an inspiring, 21st century plan for Erie Community College.

Our best guess is that Chris Collins has been sleeping since 1955 - when the suburbs were cool and people drove giant cars that had very low gas mileage. 

The plan for ECC's Health and Science building is uninspiring and has little innovation or forward thinking. We, as citizens of Erie County deserve an innovative, 21st century community college that is accessible for everyone. 

The new Health and Science building belongs downtown, at the doorstep of the BNMC and within the heart of Erie County.


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