Demand Congress End the U​.​S. Government's Pig Experiments

The NIH ripped 40 two-week-old baby pigs from their mothers and infected them with Ebola at its dangerous taxpayer-funded bioagent superlab in Montana. The baby pigs will suffer fevers, weight loss, respiratory distress, paralysis, and brain damage in these maximum pain experiments where no relief is provided.

The NIH justifies this cruel behavior by saying that recreating the disease in pigs is necessary to understand the Ebola virus and develop intervention strategies. But there's no justification for putting innocent baby piglets through so much without any pain relief — not even tylenol.

If we don't act now, more piglets will die in MAX-PAIN Ebola experiments.

The White Coat Waste Project is on mission to get the U.S. government out of the animal experimentation business. Please sign your name and demand Congress end ALL wasteful and painful testing on pigs and other animals.
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