Tell Steve King and Dana Rohrabacher that their defense of the dog meat industry is sickening and wrong!

Can you believe that some lawmakers, such as U.S. Congressmen Steve King and Dana Rohrabacher, think it's okay to eat dog meat and are fighting federal legislation to keep it legal in the U.S. and abroad?

Dogs are our friends, not dinner fare. Animal Wellness Action is working to ban the practice in the U.S. and to send a signal that it must end in China, South Korea, and other places where meat traders cut dogs into pieces.

Animal Wellness Action is helping animals by promoting legal standards forbidding cruelty. We're fighting to stop the dog meat trade, to eliminate dogfighting, and to free dogs from puppy mill cages, confinement, and other forms of misery.

Take action today by letting Steve King and Dana Rohrabacher know that they will be held accountable on their treatment of animals.

Image credit: Jo-Anne McCarthur / We Animals

Dear Rep. King and Rep. Rohrabacher,

I was shocked to learn that you believe it's okay to eat dog meat and that you are fighting federal legislation to keep it legal in the U.S. and abroad!

Dogs are our friends, not dinner fare. I support Animal Wellness Action, an organization that is working to ban the practice in the U.S. and to send a signal that it must end in China, South Korea, and other places where meat traders cut dogs into pieces.

[Your comments]

I urge you to reconsider your stance on dog meat consumption. 

[Your name]

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