Pledge to Support Animals in Need of Rescue!

This bat brought into Wildlife Rescue was dehydrated and underweight. Sadly, that wasn't the unusual part of this story. 

This rare bat was far from its typical home in the dry interior valleys of British Columbia. Extreme weather events force wildlife like this Spotted Bat into new, unfamiliar territories. Record high temperatures, along with the wildfires they generate, are putting animals at risk throughout Canada. 

Jackie McQuillan, Manager of Wildlife Rescue's Support Centre explains "We are seeing a rise in heat-impacted animals. This was never something that was on our radar a couple of decades ago. Now we see it every summer. We get many calls about baby gulls overheating on rooftops, baby bats ejecting from colonies, and many other animals struggling to find water and shade during extreme heat events." 

The Wildlife Rescue Association operates a wildlife hospital and rehabilitation facility, where more than 5,000 wild animals are admitted every year which need help. Wildlife Rescue also operates a Wildlife Helpline seven days a week to assist the public with questions about wildlife and to help with any wildlife situation.

British Columbia is now seeing a rise in heat-impacted animals, and we're receiving calls about baby gulls overheating on rooftops, baby bats ejecting from colonies, and many other animals struggling to find water and shade during extreme heat events. 

All our efforts rely on the crucial support of people like you! Can you sign today and pledge to call a local wildlife rescue organization if you see an animal in distress?

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