Save Redditch Trees

Help stop Redditch Borough Council`s ongoing massacre of trees across the town. Please sign this petition calling on RBC to end the destruction & demand that they give our trees the respect they deserve.

Redditch Borough Council find any excuse to chop down trees they don`t want. All across the town, trees are being massacred on a daily basis. Excuses given vary enormously but but the main reason no doubt relates to cost cutting - removing trees saves RBC money on pruning, sweeping leaves & other maintenance!!

Take a look at some examples of RBC`s handywork on the Redditch Tree Action Group website 

Trees desrve consideration & respect, they absorb pollution, provide us with oxygen & are a home to wildlife. With trees around us, the town is more attractive & people are happier & healthier.

We, the undersigned, call on RBC to end the destruction & demand that they give our trees the respect they deserve.

The above website details other ways you can help Save Redditch Trees.

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