Pence's Family Business Cost Taxpayers Over $20 Million In Environmental Cleanup. Make Them Pay Us Back!

  • por:
  • destinatário: Vice President Mike Pence and his brother, Greg Pence

The family business of Vice President Mike Pence, Kiel Bros. Oil Co, went under in 2004, making millions for the Pences but leaving a trail of environmental wreckage and dangerous chemicals behind. Almost a decade and a half later, the cleanup cost has exceeded $22 million and counting.

And guess who's paying the majority of the Pences' tab — taxpayers. We refuse to stand for it and demand Mike Pence and his family fully reimburse the public for the fallout from their reckless business practices.

Pence and his Republican Party claim to loathe government spending and love "personal responsibility," using that ideology to deny millions of Americans lifesaving healthcare, food assistance, and housing — among other things.

But that is clearly a lie. When it comes to cleaning up the mistakes of businessmen born to privilege, Pence and his ilk are more than happy to let us pay their debts.

We think it's time for the Vice President to take a little personal responsibility of his own. Add your name to demand the Pence family pay back the tens of millions that taxpayers have paid to clean up their toxic mess!

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