Email your MP - Ban Trophy Hunting imports to the UK!

The British government wants to allow exemptions to rich trophy hunters

Please tell your MP that is not acceptable. 85% of the British public want an immediate ban on hunting trophy imports. No exceptions

If you have a UK postal address, signing this petition will send the email below [click 'read petition letter'] to your MP, from your email address.

Dear [MP],

Trophy hunting is cruel, barbaric, and is helping to push some of the world's most endangered wildlife ever closer towards extinction.

British trophy hunters have killed hundreds of endangered lions, hippos, leopards, rhinos, zebras and other animals in recent years, and brought their 'trophies' back to this country.

EDM 50 calls for a ban on the import of hunting trophies into Britain. This is an important step in bringing an end to this terrible industry.

Animals killed by trophy hunters often suffer slow, painful deaths. It has no place in a modern, civilised society.

This is an issue I and many others feel very strongly about. As my elected representative, will you take a clear public stance that reflects my views and those of your constituents, and if you haven't already, support EDM 50?

[Your comments]

NB This email is sent via the Campaign to Ban Trophy Hunting at


[Your name]
[Your postal address]

Atualização #53 anos atrás
Today SHOULD have been good news for all of us who have been campaigning for a ban on hunting trophies coming into Britain, but the government's Animal Welfare Action Plan fails to deliver.

In 2019, The Conservative Party denounced as “morally indefensible”

Now, it has diluted that pledge to ban hunting trophies ’ to something so weak that they could allow Brits to bring home trophies of CRITICALLY ENDANGERED BLACK RHINOS!

Please write to your MP to tell them this is not acceptable
Atualização #45 anos atrás
126 MPs have already signed the EDM #50 for a ban on trophy imports, is your MP one of them?

You can check the list here:

It is now TWO weeks since the Consultation deadline passed, a consultation that was FOUR months long! While we wait for Defra to announce its decision, elephants are being auctioned to trophy hunters in Botswana, and at hunting fairs around the world

Tell your MP you want no more delay!

Atualização #35 anos atrás
Awful revelations from an investigation by The Star, show children as young as 4 years of age being taken to Africa to shoot animals:
This has to STOP. The UK can lead the way here by stopping trophy imports and exports, please share this petition with your friends and make sure YOUR MP has joined the 112 MPs who have already signed EDM 50 - Ban on Trophy Imports
Thank you
Atualização #25 anos atrás
Dear supporters,
Today is the LAST day to send your views to the British government. PLEASE email: to say you support OPTION 3 TOTAL BAN.
The Defra consultation on trophy hunting imports and exports closes at midnight tonight.

107 MPs have now signed EDM 50 – Ban on Trophy Hunting imports” tabled by Tracey Crouch MP, Is YOUR MP one of them? Please ask them to sign, you can do this by completing this petition, or by emailing them directly.
Atualização #15 anos atrás
Dear Friend
Thank you for signing the earlier version of this petition last year, the British consultation on trophy hunting closes in less than a week and we are urging politicians to implement Option 3 as quickly as possible.
Please share this petition and urge Boris Johnson to follow through on his message of 2019 calling for an end to this barbaric practice. By banning hunting trophy imports and exports, Britain can help begin to close this chapter in our history.
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