Join Our Mission for a Greener Future: Support the Rainforest Alliance in Protecting Forests and Our Vital Ecosystems

We at the Rainforest Alliance believe that urgent action is needed to protect Earth's vital ecosystems and ensure that people and nature can thrive together in harmony.

From tropical rainforests to the snowy boreal forests circling the northern hemisphere, forests are ecological powerhouses that support the livelihoods of 1.6 billion people and host 80 percent of the world's terrestrial biodiversity. And, as the fight to stave off climate change escalates, forests could be our most important natural climate solution.

Protecting forests—and all vital ecosystems—is not just an environmental issue; it is a human rights issue, too. The well-being of farmers and farm workers is central to the long-term sustainability of the planet—including the world's food supply. For this reason, addressing human rights abuses in agriculture and forestry is a key focus of our work.

The fight to protect the world's forests is at the very heart of the Rainforest Alliance's mission and we are working diligently in more than 60 countries to cultivate sustainable, rural economies—the most widely-proven strategy to keep our forests standing. Our ever-growing global alliance brings together farmer and forest communities, companies, governments, civil society organizations, and millions of individuals around the world— all working toward systemic change.

Together, we can make a difference and ensure that the world's forests are protected for generations to come.

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