Lift Hundreds of Thousands of Children Out of Poverty – Expand the Child Tax Credit Today

Congress has announced a bipartisan and bicameral tax proposal that will expand the Child Tax Credit (CTC) to millions of children and lift an estimated 400,000 families out of poverty. We need your help to ensure this proposal makes it across the finish line.

According to the United Way's ALICE Report, 39 percent of households in Michigan are struggling to afford the increasing costs of housing, child care, food and other necessities. In 2021, the temporary changes made to the CTC demonstrated the enormous impact an expanded CTC can have on low-income households, reducing child poverty to its lowest level on record. Unfortunately, since this essential relief effort has ended, childhood poverty and hunger have skyrocketed.

We need Congress to act now to expand the CTC to nearly 500,000 Michigan children by passing the proposed Child Tax Credit enhancements today!
Dear Congress,

I am writing you today to urge you to support the Child Tax Credit (CTC) improvements included in the newly announced bipartisan, bicameral tax proposal. These improvements would expand the CTC to 16 million children who are currently unable to receive the full credit, helping to reduce childhood poverty and hunger.

According to the United Way's ALICE Report, 39 percent of households in Michigan are struggling to afford the increasing costs of housing, child care, food and other necessities. In 2021, the temporary changes made to the CTC demonstrated the enormous impact an expanded CTC can have on low-income households, reducing child poverty to its lowest level on record. Unfortunately, since this essential relief effort has ended, childhood poverty and hunger have skyrocketed.

This new CTC proposal would lift hundreds of thousands of children and their families above the federal poverty level. In Michigan alone, this proposal would reach nearly 500,000 children who are currently unable to access the full credit. That is why I am urging you to support the CTC improvements included in this tax proposal, bringing the child tax credit to millions more children and ensuring more families are able to meet their basic needs.

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