Protect Our Public Lands From Fracking

Imagine starting out on a hike or driving through your favorite National Forest, and this is your view: swaths of trees that have been clear-cut, hordes of trucks flying along back roads and fracking rigs scattered across the landscape.
Because our public lands are currently open to fracking, this dirty, disgusting and dangerous image could become more common for visitors to our national forests and wilderness areas. Fracking is already happening in National Forests and public lands across the country — from Pennsylvania's Allegheny National Forest to the border of Glacier National Park.
Thanks to the incredible opposition to fracking that has grown across the country, Representative Mark Pocan (WI-2) recently introduced a bill to ban fracking on all public lands. This bill is the strongest piece of anti-fracking legislation yet introduced in Congress, so it's crucial that we demonstrate the strength of our opposition to fracking by adding more sponsors to Representative Pocan's bill.
Please sign the petition asking your Representative to support a ban on fracking on public lands.
Dear [Decision Maker], I am calling for a ban on fracking on all federal lands, including lands in and around our beautiful national parks and national forests. The best way to protect the air we breathe, the water we drink and the health of our communities is to prohibit this inherently dangerous form of fossil fuel extraction. Please support and co-sponsor Representative Pocan's bill to ban fracking on public lands. America's vast and cherished public lands are rightfully known as national treasures. But these iconic lands are at risk from fracking for oil and gas. There is no amount of regulation that can make fracking safe. And it's questionable how much oversight these operations are even getting. The Government Accountability Office reports findings that the majority of high-risk oil and gas wells drilled between 2009 and 2012 have never been inspected. Public lands and nearby communities are paying the price in drilling accidents, leaks and spills that can pollute air and contaminate drinking water. The George Washington National Forest in Virginia, for example, protects the drinking water for Washington, D.C. Would you want your water contaminated by fracking? [Your comment will go here] Public lands belong to all of us, and they should be protected for future generations, not exploited to enrich corporate investors. We have a responsibility to continue the legacy of safeguarding America's national treasures. That's why I'm asking you to support and co-sponsor Representative Pocan's bill to ban fracking on federal lands. Sincerely, [Your Name]
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