Demand tranquilizing instead of Quick killing of Wild Cougars or other animals that wander in to populated areas
A cougar on Tues. Oct 17, was killed by Police Animal Services Unit in Fontana, CA. Why didn't they tranquilize it instead of killing it. The Fontana Police Animal Services Unit said it was going to attack them. Why not, the poor animal was cornered. Had no other way to react. The Police knew that, the Police said they didn't have the equipment to tranquilize the cougar. Why not! Animal services is their job. Also, why wasn't the U.S. Forestry Dept there to help tranquilize and move the cougar to the wilderness. The news said it had previously killed other pets in the area, but give the cougar a chance and release it in the wilderness. We as humans can decide whether to destroy animals or let them live, especially people that are in the profession of Animals. Plus, we as taxpayers pay their salaries. I propose that action be taken to re-educate and train these employees, to protect these animals and safely as possible capture and remove them to an area that they belong, by action of the City of Fontana Mayor and City Council and California's State Representative.
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