A Bird Flu Outbreak Killed 51 Big Cats in Zoos. Demand Urgent Action to Save Wildlife Now!

  • por: Care2 Team
  • destinatário: Authorities in Vietnam
A panther, three lions, and 47 tigers have recently died at various zoos in Vietnam due to an outbreak of the H5N1 bird flu virus. This heart-wrenching loss highlights the urgent need for change in how we treat and care for these magnificent animals.

In a matter of only a few weeks in August and September 2024, these beloved creatures were lost to a preventable disease, raising alarming questions about their living conditions and the safety protocols in place at these facilities.

Sign this petition to urge Vietnamese authorities to prioritize the health and safety of their wildlife by removing tigers, lions, and other big cats from zoos and safari parks!

Approximately 385 tigers are held in captivity in Vietnam, with the vast majority (310 animals) being at privately-owned zoos and "farms." That includes privately-run facilities like My Quynh safari park, one of the locations where some of these animals died. Animals also perished at the Vuon Xoai zoo. The recent deaths of these big cats represent a failure in our responsibility to protect wildlife. These animals deserve habitats that provide not only physical care but also the emotional well-being that is essential for their survival.

Even worse: similar things have happened before. Back in 2004, at Thailand's largest farm for breeding exotic animals, dozens of tigers contracted bird flu and either died or were killed as a result.

These tragic losses are preventable. The World Health Organization has warned of increasing infections in mammals caused by influenza viruses like H5N1, indicating that we are at a tipping point where inaction could lead to even more losses.

We cannot allow this to continue. It is time for the Vietnamese authorities to step up and protect these magnificent animals by removing them from zoos that are failing to provide adequate care and safety. We must demand the relocation of these big cats to reputable sanctuaries where they can thrive and be shielded from preventable diseases and suffering. Sign the petition now!
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