Support Access to Affordable Clean Energy for Everyone!

  • por:
  • destinatário: California State Legislature
Some of the most economically disadvantaged communities in California suffer from the worst air quality in the country. The state currently denies residents of these neighborhoods access to clean, renewable energy that can help alleviate their problems!

Renewable energy sources such as solar can help decrease air pollution and improve overall air quality. The California State Legislature is on the verge of voting on bill AB1990, which will bring renewable energy programs to communities that will benefit the most from it.

Bill AB1990 will expand the state's renewable energy installation program and require utility companies to invest in clean energy facilities located in low-income communities. In addition to improving air quality and making clean energy more affordable, the bill will help create new jobs in these struggling neighborhoods.

Sign the petition urging California State legislators to support AB1990 and provide access to affordable clean energy to every resident of the state.
Dear decision-maker,

I urge you to support bill AB1990. This bill will increase access to clean energy including solar and will decrease air pollution in the state.

[Your comments will be inserted here.]

Furthermore, this bill will create clean energy jobs in communities that need it the most. Please pass AB1990 when it comes up for vote.
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