It's Happened in South Dakota - Protect Choice in Your State Now!

In 2006, the worst has happened: South Dakota has banned abortion.

What did the law do? South Dakota's criminal ban outlawed abortion in almost all cases and does not protect a woman in cases of rape or incest or even when her health is in danger. Doctors who violate the ban could face up to five years in prison.

The law was part of a larger anti-choice strategy to overturn Roe v. Wade altogether. To quote the South Dakota House Speaker Matthew Michels, "I think the stars are aligned." [Los Angeles Times, 2/25/06]

Please join us in sending a message to U.S. governors asking them to hold the line on a woman's right to choose.

Dear Governor,

A woman's right to choose is protected by the U.S. Supreme Court and should be a decision between a woman and her doctor - without interference from politicians.

Please protect the rights of women in our state by vetoing any anti-choice legislation that comes before you this legislative session.
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