Demand a World Without Nuclear Weapons, START now!

Participant Media exists to tell compelling, entertaining stories that also create awareness of the real issues that shape our lives. Two of the company's films, Countdown to Zero and Fair Game, explore the issue of nuclear security.

Nuclear weapons are the greatest threat to our personal safety and national security. The US and Russia are the largest possessors of nuclear weapons worldwide with over 9,000. Fortunately, we have an historic opportunity to reduce this threat through the Social Action campaigns for both films.

The US and Russia recently signed a treaty called the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START) which will remove significant numbers of weapons from both countries arsenals. This is the first step in moving towards a world without nuclear weapons, but in order to be implemented, it requires approval by the U.S. Senate.

Send a letter to your senators urging them to ratify the New START Agreement.
Dear [Senator],

The most serious threat to our personal safety and national security is the unchecked spread of nuclear weapons and materials used to create them. To protect our nation, and the world, we urge you to support ratification of the New START Agreement.

[Your comment will be inserted here]

Presidents from Kennedy to Reagan to Obama have all maintained that reducing nuclear stockpiles and better securing nuclear materials will strengthen the security of U.S. citizens and our allies. These are weapons of the Cold War era that serve no real purpose in today's world.

Recently we moved closer towards a reduction in nuclear weapons stockpiles when President Obama and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, leaders of the two nations that hold over 90 percent of the world's nuclear weapons, signed the New START Agreement. But we are not there yet.

We must strengthen our hand in fighting nuclear terrorism and preventing nuclear disaster. Please join President Obama and a bipartisan consensus of national political, military and security officials in urging the Senate to ratify this treaty.

I demand a new START.
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