Convicted for protecting the rainforest for his kids - Free Clovis

Clovis Razafimalala is a father of two and an environmental activist passionate about protecting Madagascar's endangered rainforest. However, a corrupt network of smugglers will stop at nothing to silence him.

A billion-dollar trade has emerged from the illegal sale of Madagascar's precious rosewood trees. And while the government simply looks away, Clovis and his fellow activists are bravely taking a stance.

Their peaceful activism comes at a cost. Clovis has been repeatedly targeted, arrested and even had his family home fire bombed. In July 2017 he was convicted on false charges, including the destruction of property. He could face prison at any time if he keeps up the fight.

He should be allowed to carry on his peaceful activism without the constant threat to his freedom and safety.

Join our call on the Minister of Justice in Madagascar to overturn Clovis' sentence immediately.

Dear Minister of Justice, Charles Andriamiseza

I call on you to quash the conviction against Clovis Razafimalala, a rights defender convicted for protecting endangered rainforest in Madagascar from a corrupt network of smugglers.

I also call on you to:

  • ensure there is adequate protection for Clovis to continue his human rights work.

  • that all environmental defenders are protected.

  • ensure Madagascar respects the right to freedom of expression.

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