Boycott Genting casinos, until the 24 wild-caught dolphins at Resorts World Sentosa are free.

It’s enough to upset any animal lover.

27 dolphins who once roamed free and wild in the vast Pacific Ocean are now enduring a life of captivity, boredom, stress, claustrophobia and frustration, thanks to Genting, who are holding the dolphins captive at their S.E.A. Aquarium attraction at Resorts World Sentosa, Singapore.

Did we say 27? Sorry. Three of the wild-caught dolphins have already died.

Sad to say, but the three that died may be the lucky ones.

You see, dolphins are highly social creatures who are accustomed to being in family pods. They are sensitive mammals capable of great emotion and feeling and intelligence. In the wild, they roam thousands of miles of ocean together. They are used to exploring three-dimensional underwater worlds full of sounds, sights, movement, colour, varying landscapes and changing currents.

To abduct these animals from the wild, to rip them from their homes, to snatch them away from their mates and relatives and hold them captive is exceptionally cruel.

But that’s exactly what Genting has done and is doing to these dolphins.

Their new life in captivity is nothing like their old one. Their world has shrunk to a tiny pool, devoid of variety. They can’t hunt anymore. There’s nowhere for them to roam, except back and forth. And nothing to do except turn round and round and go slowly mad.

The 24 remaining dolphins face a bleak future. It’s up to all of us animal lovers to get Genting to rethink their decision to keep wild-caught dolphins in captivity. We’ve offered to help rehabilitate and release the dolphins back to the wild. It’s now up to Genting to make an ethical decision about the future of the dolphins. And for you to ask them to do so.

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