Protect Every Child's Right To Survival

According to UNICEF, 29,000 children die every day from preventable causes, like malaria, measles and diarrhea. It's an outrage, and it doesn't have to be that way.

We know how to save the lives of millions of children a year with an integrated package of low-cost, high-impact interventions - including insecticide-treated bed-nets to fight malaria, immunizations for childhood diseases like measles and tetanus, antibiotics to cure pneumonia, and clean water to prevent diarrhea.

As part of the Millennium Development Goals, the entire world, including the United States, committed to reducing the death rate for children under five by two-thirds by 2015. Sadly, the world is not on track to meet that goal.

U.S. leadership and funding has made an enormous contribution to saving children's lives over the past two decades. But we can and must do more. In order to save children’s lives, our nation needs to renew its commitment to child survival, and invest in comprehensive child survival programs that dramatically expand lifesaving services where children need them most.

Children have the right to live, and there are few issues in the world that are as important and as solvable as saving the world's children. We invite you to join UNICEF on the front lines of this fight by signing this petition.

Let your Members of Congress know that children around the world are dying needlessly, and that you want a dramatic increase in U.S. efforts to give those children a chance to enjoy their childhood!

Dear Member of Congress:

According to UNICEF, 29,000 children die every day from preventable causes, like malaria, measles and dehydration.

[your comment here]

The worst part is, we know how to stop these deaths. An integrated package of low-cost, high-impact interventions including insecticide-treated bed-nets, immunizations, antibiotics, and oral rehydration salts, is a proven way to save kids' lives.

As part of the Millennium Development Goals, the United States joined the rest of the world in committing to cut the under-five mortality rate by two-thirds by 2015. Sadly, the world is not on track to reach that goal.

U.S. leadership and funding has made an enormous contribution in saving children's lives over the past two decades � but we can and must do more. In order to save children�s lives, our nation needs to renew its commitment to child survival, and invest in comprehensive child survival programs that significantly expand lifesaving services where children need them most.

In the 110th Congress, I call on you to make saving children�s lives a priority, and to dramatically expand U.S. child survival and health programs.

Children have the right to live, and there are few issues in the world that are as important and as solvable as saving the world's children. Thank you for your consideration.


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