Demand resignation of USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack and prosecute Emil Pollack

By now most people know of the horrendous abuse suffered by the animals at the Roman L. Hruska US Meat Animal Research Center in Clay Center Nebraska. P.O. Box 166 (State Road 18D) 68933. At the helm of this death camp is Emil J. Pollack 1-402-762-4109 email is

I have read the reports by the New York Times and the Huffington Post and also have read that Secretary Vilsack is investigating. However, this is not enough. Secretary Vilsack needs to resign as these atrocities have happened on his watch. If he didn't know, all the more reason for his resignation. The director Emil Pollack needs to be prosecuted along with all of the staff who conducted these inhumane experiments.

Please sign this petition, please contact your congressman and senators. Please tell them that not only do you find what occurred and is currently occurring at this death camp intolerable, but tampering with our food is unacceptable. Please tell them we know this has nothing to do with their concern of our health, but with meat industry profits.

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