Say Thanks to Humanitarian Medical Volunteers!

Health care professionals are generously volunteering their time, and working side by side with Navy personnel on hospital ships to provide medical relief and bring hope to tens of thousands of vulnerable people around the world.

They are providing life-saving medical aid and sharing their medical knowledge – multiplying the impact of their help. Because a child who is sick today may need urgent medical attention, but keeping him or her healthy for the following years depends on preventive education, immunizations, nutrition and other long-term support.

No words can compare to the gratitude felt by the people who receive medical evaluations, medicines and health education. But the impact is global.

Volunteer Mary Jo Doerr was touched by her first experience aboard the ships: “Such a diverse group is sharing their lives and working together to promote peace and impact the people of these countries…it makes world peace seem a little more possible.”

Send a message of thanks to the Project HOPE volunteers. They make a difference in the lives of countless people in need and they love to hear words of support and encouragement from caring people like you!

Dear Project HOPE volunteer,

I am grateful to you and all the humanitarian medical volunteers for the thousands of lives you've touched.

Your spirit of compassion is a light for all of us. You are constant source of inspiration and courage.

Thank you for joining together in the fight against suffering and ill health. I appreciate the sacrifices each of you has made in order to make a difference in the lives of vulnerable people.

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