A Request for Monitoring of U.S. Elections

  • por: Shlomit Auciello
  • destinatário: Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs, United Nations-Department of Political Affairs
This petition requests United Nations monitoring of the upcoming Presidential Election in the United States in 2004.
We the undersigned, citizens of the United States of America, recognizing that certain irregularities took place during the Presidential election of 2000, respectfully request the assistance of the Department of Political Affairs of the United Nations in assuring that free and fair elections take place in 2004 in the United States. In particular, we request monitoring of: absentee procedures, voter registration, media coverage, finance procedures and accounting, and election day practices to assure that all voters are allowed access and the information necessary to create free and fair elections. We request that the Department of Political Affairs of the United Nations monitor an accurate paper trail in the event that a recount is necessary in any precinct. We ask that any monitoring team comprise members from at least 7 countries other than the United States, and include representatives from broad political and demographic sources.
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