Have a Heart for Kids!

Did you know 90% of brain development happens before age 5?  

The learning experiences children have in these early years are critical, shaping their cognitive, social and emotional growth.  

But many families across the nation can't afford high-quality early learning programs. As costs rise, kids are missing out on their chance to get a strong start in life.  

This Valentine's season, tell lawmakers to have a heart and invest in early childhood education!   

To whom it may concern: 

As an advocate and your constituent, I urge you to support funding for programs that give kids a strong start in life.  

Early childhood education is critical in shaping kids' cognitive, social and emotional growth – but millions of families across the nation can't afford high-quality programs. Now more than ever, children need lawmakers to invest in early learning for their futures.  

Research shows that investing in early childhood education and nutrition strengthens our nation's economy in the long-term and improves educational achievement and health outcomes. Every $1 we invest in early childhood education programs has a 13% return, reducing future public costs!  

With rising child care expenses pushing families to the brink and 13 million kids facing food insecurity in the U.S., Congress must act now to prioritize funding for life-changing early learning and nutrition programs in the upcoming appropriations process.   

It's time to turn promises into action. Please, have a heart and ensure every child has opportunities to learn, grow and thrive!

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