Demand That Pet Boarding Facilities Take FULL RESPONSIBILITY For the NEGLIGENT Death and/ or Harm To Our Pets in Their Care

  • por: Elke G
  • destinatário: State Legislators

There are millions of pet negligence/ abuse cases a year ! Our antiquated laws do not recognize our pets as living beings and a part of our family. These pets give us unconditional love and to have a pet taken in the negligent hands of a trusting Pet Hotel and/ or Veterinarian is traumatic.

Our laws treat pets as PROPERTY and in some cases TRASH. These laws need to be changed to recognize our pets ,pedigree or not, as part of our family and our laws need to hold a Pet Care facility accountable for all negligence in their hands. Accidents do happen, there's a difference in an accident and carelessness leading to negligence. 

Please sign and share this petition so we can make a difference and protect our extended family of pets from the negligent hands of Pet Boarding facilities.

 "The Rainbow Bridge Bill" (R.V)

* This bill will protect our pets and hold any boarding, pet resort, groomers, Veterinary facility and /or person of said facility responsible for any DEATH by NEGLIGENCE and/ or ABUSE in the care of any said facilities resulting in  large monetary fines in addition to compensatory damages to owner of pet due to emotional distress due to loss.

*This bill will demand that in addition, facility will  pay for any treatment of pet including cremation and/or burial costs ,vet fees and attorney fees ( if applicable) and criminal prosecution if  abuse is proven.

*Any INJURIES to the pet due to NEGLIGENCE and/or ABUSE will result in  monetary fines in addition to facility reimbursing any out of pocket by pet owner i.e treatment needed for pet for the rest of the pet's life due to the negligence and/ or abuse of said facility, Vet bills and attorney fees ( if applicable) and criminal prosecution if abuse is proven.

  *We understand accidents happen, an accident would have to be proven an accident due to health and well being of pet PRIOR to boarding ...

*We want this bill to hold ANYONE accountable, including law enforcement, when a pet is negligently killed. If a dog is not in attack mode..THERE IS NO REASON FOR THE DOG TO BE SHOT! NO MATTER WHAT BREED!

*This bill will strictly regulate these facilities and ask the owners and employees of said facilities to be trained properly and licensed to care for our pets /and or strays  by a new code set forth . Facilities will be inspected on a regular basis and all facilities will need clean , air conditioned living conditions, and appropriate ratio human to pet. No facility should have more than one dog in a confined living space. OVER BOOKING WILL NOT BE PERMITTED. All facilities will have 24 hour video surveillance 

*This bill will demand a higher monetary value on our pets, pedigree or not,  and will recognize our pets as an extention to our family as opposed to "property" resulting in a monetary reimbursement by negligent facility..* to be determined  

*This bill will demand a facility to be shut down after ANY ABUSIVE and/or NEGLIGENT situation for further investigations. 

I lost my dog negligently, on March 11, 2017,  to TYVY Pet Hotel in Tampa, Fla. 
An hour after dropping off my best friend, Blue, TyVy called telling me that he had 4 bloody paws, I wanted to turn around and pick him up, they said that he was ok, and he was resting and that they put styptic powder under his nails
They first asked if I had his nails cut, and I told them 'no that it had been 2 months since the Vet had clipped them'. HIS NAILS LOOKED CLIPPED by the facility ( after I viewed his body at his death). The employee assured me he was ok and asked me to log in to see him resting. I made a comment to my friend saying that he seemed very still, she assured me he was fine as did the employee on the phone. A little after 2pm, I received a phone call from a manager in MICHIGAN , not TAMPA FLORIDA WHERE IT HAD OCCURRED, delivering the tragic news that Blue was dead. An employee took him a block off premises, without my consent with his bloody paws. The employee walked him on a frayed lead that was wrapped around his neck and underarm , not on his harness and Kong leash . According to TyVy, he "snapped the lead and ran out into 6 lanes of traffic and he was hit by a car. They never got the license plate and did not make a police report. TyVy lied about the circumstances and their protocol, they never called to inform me that they were going to walk him off premises, and the stories were different each time they called. I would have said "absolutely not!" to them taking Blue away from the facility, especially off of his leash and harness. TYVY has YET to take responsibility much less apologize for their NEGLIGENCE they call an "unfortunate accident". THIS IS UNNACCEPTABLE!



























Atualização #37 anos atrás
Hi everyone..please share this petition on your pages and in every group so we can get the amount of signers needed to make a difference ..Thank you! just copy and paste this link
Atualização #27 anos atrás
I will be meeting with a staff member Of Sen Rubio's office tomorrow afternoon to discuss this petition and the Rainbow Bridge Bill...i cannot express to you enough how important it is to call our senator's offices..this is the ONLY one that has responded to my and email..we need to get this bill reviewed..thank you for all your support!
Atualização #17 anos atrás
We have updated the demand to be crystal clear on what we are asking..we have come up with a name for the bill that will represent all of our pets that have been lost.. We are hoping to have it named "the Rainbow Bridge Bill" ..please share thank you for your support
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