Ban Sale of Puppy Mill Dogs in Massachusetts

The adorable puppy looking at you from the window of a pet store can’t tell you about the horrible conditions where he came from. But we can.

Dogs born in “puppy mills” are raised in horrific conditions. Crowded in filthy cages with little or no chance to socialize, these puppies have never slept in a warm bed or scampered around outside with a favorite toy. Veterinary care, if provided at all, is minimal.

Meanwhile, their parents are bred as often as possible, and may live their entire lives without seeing the outside world. When these dogs are no longer profitable for breeding, they are often euthanized.

It's time to put these puppy mills out of business. Northeast Animal Shelter vigorously supports legislation aimed at ending puppy mills. We need your voice! 

Take action today and stand with Northeast Animal Shelter in our call to ban all puppy mills. 
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