Stop the Slaughter of the Last Pacific Bluefin Tuna
Bluefin tuna can grow to more than 1,000 pounds and swim as fast as a car on a freeway, but these magnificent ocean giants can't outrun modern fishing fleets. Pacific bluefin tuna have declined 94 percent from unfished levels. Scientists now worry that once the current adult fish die, there won't be juveniles to replace them.
The good news is that it's not too late to curb fishing and let the population recover.
This year the Center for Biological Diversity demanded the National Marine Fisheries Service ban U.S. Pacific bluefin tuna fishing. Halting fishing of bluefin tuna could save the species.
The agency expects to answer our request this year, in time to set rules for 2015. Take action today —urge the Fisheries Service to put an end to bluefin tuna fishing.
I am writing to ask you to take drastic action to protect the last Pacific bluefin tuna. As you well know, bluefin tuna populations have crashed worldwide due to decades of overfishing and the demand for luxury sushi. International treaties that are supposed to keep fishing sustainable have failed to protect the public interest in preserving healthy oceans. And meeting behind closed doors, international negotiators have consistently caved to moneyed interests. Bluefin tuna have been decimated as a result in the Atlantic, Pacific and southern oceans.
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Pacific bluefin tuna may be in the worst shape of all. California's fishery has steadily increased its catch for each of the past three years, ignoring increasingly dire population assessments and calls to action from the California Senate and the National Marine Fisheries Service.
As NOAA Administrator and Under Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere, it's your duty to protect bluefin tuna and ocean health for future generations. Showing strong political leadership by prohibiting Pacific bluefin tuna landings in 2015 will have long-term, life-saving benefits for these incredible fish.
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