Economic Crisis Leaves Pets Hungry Too
- por: Care2
- destinatário: U.S. Congress
During the global economic crisis people are sacrificing a lot but they are not the only ones. Household pets, often considered to be a part of the family, are affected by financial hardship as well. Owners of dogs, cats, rabbits, horses, chickens and even iguanas are finding it increasingly difficult to feed and care for their additional family members.
The health and safety of pets depend on loving care which sometimes has substantial costs. Pet food and regular veterinary care are necessities for companion animals, but the costs add up quickly.
One such animal suffering due to the financial meltdown is horses, majestic yet expensive animals. Hay and feed prices have escalated while owner incomes remain fixed or are declining.
But there is a glimmer of hope. Some area food pantries are recognizing the desperate need for animal care, and are distributing pet food along with their grocery donations.
Tell Congress that our families including our pets need help accessing food during the economic crisis.
The devastating economic crisis affects all American families. And for almost two-thirds of Americans, pets are valued members of the family and they need your help. Americans are struggling to put food in food dishes, let alone the table.
Companion animals increase the quality of life for their owners as most pets are valuable members of many American families. But incomes are decreasing or disappearing and many families cannot afford to feed and provide proper care for their loving animals.
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Americans need more help accessing food for their families, including their pets. Please help to pass legislation that makes food more readily available for all Americans.
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