North Carolinians: Pledge to vote in the November 2022 Midterms to make your voice heard!

On Tuesday, November 8, 2022 North Carolinians have the opportunity to participate in one of the most critical statewide elections of our lifetimes. This year, our democracy is on the line and it's on us to show up and make our voices heard.  

On the ballot this November, North Carolinians will vote for elected officials to hold: 

  • 1 U.S. Senate seat 
  • 14 U.S. House seats 
  • Several state offices (General Assembly, Supreme Court, and Court of Appeals) 
  • Local judges and prosecutors 
  • County offices like sheriff and county commissioners 

This year, North Carolinians Against Gun Violence Action Fund (NCGV Action Fund) is mobilizing communities across North Carolina into voters. We are fighting for background checks on ALL gun purchases, working to pass red flag laws and strengthening our gun laws — will you join our efforts?  

We cannot let those who want to silence us win. This is our democracy. And right now is our chance to fight for it. Are you with us? Sign up to get involved in this year's midterm elections with the NCGV Action Fund to learn more about how you can get out the vote.

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