I strongly oppose EPA's efforts to eliminate Clean Water Act protections for many of the nation's waters, including streams, wetlands, small ponds and other waters. I urge you not to continue with your announced rulemaking, to rescind the accompanying guidance and to make sure that all of the nation's waters remain protected by the Clean Water Act as they have been for the last 30 years. The proposal and guidance are in direct conflict with the original intent of the Clean Water Act -- to protect all waters of the United States.
Limiting the scope of the Clean Water Act will have devastating effects. Removing essential federal safeguards against destruction and degradation will:
place community water supplies at risk
result in more polluted streams, rivers and coastal waters
increase flooding, as destroyed wetlands will no longer be able to absorb flood waters, and harm endangered and threatened wildlife species - 43 percent of which rely on wetlands for survival.
Please do not to go forward with any rulemaking proposal to limit the scope of the Clean Water Act and hinder the ability of communities nationwide to safeguard their valuable water resources.
Sincerely, The Undersigned.