Governor Landry: Stop Threatening Louisiana's/ Our Coast's Keystone Project

Louisiana Governor Jeff Landry is threatening the state's keystone restoration project, the Mid-Barataria Sediment Diversion (MBSD)—a science-based solution designed to rebuild wetlands, protect communities, and restore the Barataria Basin's collapsing ecosystem. The MBSD has undergone decades of expert scientific analysis, transparent community engagement and has received overwhelming public support.

Why This Matters

  • Louisiana's wetlands are vanishing. Every football field lost puts communities, industries, and ecosystems at risk.
  • The MBSD addresses the root cause of land loss by reconnecting the Mississippi River with its wetlands to build and sustain new marsh.
  • Alternatives proposed by the administration fail to match the long-term benefits of MBSD and were already ruled out during rigorous reviews.

The Consequences

  • Changing or cancelling this project jeopardizes the reputation of Louisiana's world-class coastal program, built on science, transparency and bipartisan leadership.
  • It risks losing federal support for future restoration efforts.
  • It delays urgently needed land-building solutions, worsening the crisis in the Barataria Basin, where communities, wildlife and industries are already struggling to survive.

Take Action

  • The science is clear. The public support is unwavering. Only the politics has changed.
  • Tell Governor Landry: Protect Louisiana's future—support the Mid-Barataria Sediment Diversion.
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