Glaxosmithkline: The Time is NOW!!! Please End ALL Animal Experiments and Testing!!! We Will Boycott Glaxosmithkline Until You Do!!!!

There are thousands of cruelty-free companies worldwide, such as Lush, the Body Shop, Unilver, Physician's Formula, many grocery store own-brands and many, many, many others. There is so much opposition to animal testing; millions of people worldwide would claim to be against animal testing, especially for cosmetics and household products.
Yet, despite this, GlaxoSmithKline, the makers of Sensodyne toothpaste and many medicines, still test on animals. Although they claim to operate ethically, experimenting on animals unnecessarily can NEVER be ethical. Examples of animal tests can include dripping chemicals into rabbits' eyes, force-feeding dogs pesticides and forcing mice and rats to inhale toxic fumes.
Animal testing is nearing its end. There are probably more cosmetic and household products companies that don't test on animals than do, with laws against cosmetic and household product testing on animals and alternatives being developed. Even some doctors are against animal testing, both on ethical grounds and for the fact that animal testing is bad science; it can be misleading as animals are so physiologically different from humans. The absence of toxicity in animal tests provides no insight into whether a drug will be safe for humans. Testing drugs on one species of animal does not indicate safety of efficacy of the drug in others, including humans. Drug tests using monkeys are just as poor at predicting results in humans as the use of any other animals. Despite the use of animal tests, 90% of drugs fail in human trials.
In 2018, the Guardian published an article stating that animal testing procedures were at their lowest since 2010.
Thousands of chimpanzees were used in AIDs experiments, only for humans to find out that AIDs doesn't kill chimpanzees. Smoking health warning were delayed for years and, probably, more people died needlessly because of animal experiments. Had penicillin been tested on guinea pigs or hamsters, it would have likely been discarded as it is toxic to both species. Vioxx - an arthritis drug that was tested on animals - was reported to have caused 140,000 heart attacks and strokes before it was withdrawn. The TGN1412 Elephant Man drug left six poor men with organ failure after tests on monkeys failed to produce negative results, despite the monkeys receiving doses hundreds of times higher than the men received. Aspirin and paracetamol, which are commonly used by people, are toxic to cats.
Four million animals are used in experiments each year in the UK. Hundreds of thousands more animals are bred and killed for their bodies to be used in medical research, while millions of others are bred but are "surplus to requirements" and are killed and discarded like trash.
Big pharma doesn't care about animals or human lives lost due to their research. They don't want cures ; they only want us to keep buying their products. Well, we won't buy ANY GlaxoSmithKline products unnecessarily until they enact permanent, strict policies against ALL animal testing.
They may state that they only test on animals when absolutely necessary, but let's think about this from a moral perspective. If they were "only" experimenting on children when absolutely necessary, would it be just? There are many reliable alternatives to animal tests; even a new coronavirus vaccine in the USA will bypass the usual animal testing stage and go straight to human trials, something that would never have happened thirty years ago. The world is changing. It's time for GlaxoSmithKline to change, too.
We, the Undersigned, will boycott GlaxoSmithKline unless we absolutely need to buy their products. We kindly demand that they immediately stop ALL animal testing RIGHT NOW!!!!!!
Thank you 😊.

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