Speak Up for National Parks Infrastructure!

Congress will soon consider legislation that would make a significant investment in America's infrastructure, including programs that specifically target our national parks. You can help make sure your parks get the attention they need and deserve in the coming months!

Our parks need immediate assistance to ensure they will thrive for years to come. Now is the time for Congress to address the remaining national park deferred maintenance projects not addressed through the Great American Outdoors Act … prioritize projects that improve energy efficiency, support climate adaptation, improve habitat connectivity and improve ecosystem resiliency needs in parks … and preserve the protections provided by our nation's environmental laws, including the National Environmental Policy Act, Clean Water Act, Clean Air Act and Endangered Species Act.

Speak up for your national parks! Tell your members of Congress to support infrastructure legislation that invests in national parks, addresses climate change, fuels economic growth and protects the treasured places that protect our natural and cultural heritage.

Dear [Decision maker],

As an advocate for national parks and public lands, I am writing to express my support for your efforts to make necessary investments in national parks as you consider broader legislation to address our country's crumbling infrastructure.

Adequately funding national park infrastructure is a good economic investment for our country. National parks are an important part of the tourism economy and extremely popular with Americans. National parks received more than 328 million visits in 2019 that generated almost $42 billion for the U.S. economy. For every dollar Congress invests in the National Park Service, $10 is returned to the American economy, with much of that money directly benefiting parks' gateway communities. With national parks supporting more than 340,000 private-sector jobs annually, these economic engines are worthy of a robust infrastructure investment in 2021 and beyond.

 As your constituent, I urge you to do everything you can to support and pass legislation to improve and enhance infrastructure investment in America's national parks.

Thank you for considering my views.

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