Missing Persons Day WorldWide

People that are missing from their families is a WORLDWIDE situation. Please help fill the gap between countries and have a day where everyone recognizes the missing persons around the globe.
Missing people cases come in many ways, abductions, parental abductions, Alzheimer's disease, drug addictions, a person can go on and on with the many reasons why someone disappears. The fact of the matter is they do disappear and in a lot of cases it takes months or years to find them. The statistics in the Unites States alone are astronomical. Add them to the worldwide statistics and we have a serious situation.
Something to alleviate some of the stress the Families that are in these situations go through would be a day of recognition for them and those that are missing. A day to remember the missing and their families, and if by faith alone, let the missing know they are not forgotten. To do it on a United States national bases would be like our newly launched website, SomeoneIsMissing.com, concentrating on just the United States, it's a futile effort. It's a worldwide situation and should be recognized worldwide.

What we're asking is that everyone think for a minute, not about the petition we would like you to sign, but those that are missing. Everyone knows someone or heard of someone missing, so think about the ones you know for just a moment, go ahead, maybe say a small prayer .............................................................................
Did you do it? Most of you will. Just because of the loving and caring person that you are.  Now, what if everyone thought about missing people for a day at the same time in different countries and time zones.
It would be a "world wonderful" day now wouldn't it? If you would, please realize that a lot of people also took a moment and thought or prayed when they read this, if you sign the petition, there's a chance, a very slim chance, the world could take notice and we can all do it together one day. 
This is not requesting a day to seek and search for those missing, but a day for the Families, and to reflect on them, and what they go through, and also the missing, a day where they're thought about more than anything else we do in our routines.
A Possible Name Could Be "Missing Persons Day WorldWide"!
Please sign the petition, the petition alone would bring great awareness to the problems these Families around the world face on a daily basis. Please sign this petition regardless the of country you currently reside in.
Thank you and have a "World Wonderful" Day!
Do you or someone you know have someone that's missing? The site that will help you is SomeoneIsMissing.com
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