Congress: Fund the Land and Water Conservation Fund - Permanently!

The Land and Water Conservation Fund is one our nation's most important conservation programs, protecting natural resources and providing recreation areas for all Americans. Since 1965, the LWCF has been one of the most effective conservation programs and has dramatically expanded the choice of close-to-home places for Americans to get outside and enjoy the outdoors. And it costs nothing to taxpayers, since it is funded by oil and gas revenue.

The LWCF expired for the first time in its 50 year history in September when the Congress failed to act in time to renew this vital initiative.

The Senate has approved permanent reauthorization, but now the bill faces opposition in the House of Representatives.We want Congress to permanently reauthorize this program at its full annual funding limit of $900 million a year

Unfortunately, not all of our elected leaders feel as you and I do about conserving land, and we must pressure them to do the right thing. Take action today and send a message to your congressional representative, urging action to permanently and fully fund the LWCF. 

Dear Representative NAME:

For more than half-a-century, the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) has saved millions of acres of American land, creating a magnificent park system that encompasses every state in the union.

And it has done so without costing taxpayers one cent since it is funded through oil and gas revenues, making the LWCF one of the most effective and cost-efficient government conservation programs in history.

That's why I was concerned when the LWCF was allowed to expire in September and then revived with only 50% of its funding for only 3 years.

I urge you to support legislation that will permanently fund the LWCF at its maximum level, and ensure that this incredible program continues to preserve precious American land for future generations.

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