I am an expat living abroad, I travel regularly back and forth to the UK for work and to see my family. My small 6kg Jack Russell Terrier has his own passport, is up to date with all his vaccinations, but due to current UK legislation he cannot travel with me in the cabin, although he could to/from every other country in Europe. He has to travel in cargo in the hold which can cost up to £1000 each way and is much more stressful for animals.
Every other country in Europe and many of the airline companies allows small animals (usually upto 10kg approx including carrier) to travel in the cabin with their owner. Currently the UK Legislation is the only country in Europe that does not allow this, even though pets now have their own passports and can travel freely to and from the UK on ferries and in cars on the eurostar services.
This can be very frustrating for people who have pets and need to work abroad as well as being very stressful for the animals. When pets have their own passports and can travel in so many other ways throughout Europe easily, why is this legislation in place?
Please sign and get this limitation lifted so that pets can travel more safely and comfortably with their owners like they do in many other countries of the world.