NC: Keep Your Scientists, Doctors and Conservationists

Last year, Republican majorities in North Carolina's state house and Senate savaged environmental protections, making it nearly impossible to issue or improve state health and environmental protections, cutting funding for land conservation by 88.5% and enacting lots of special interest exemptions.

Now, a crucial committee revealed its plan to finish the job. Senate Bill 851 purging volunteer, unpaid scientists, doctors and conservationists from the state's environmental and health boards including:

- Six of 19 professionals on the state's Environmental Management Commission, including a public health expert and a conservationist. It leaves representatives of agriculture, industry and utilities in place.

- Six of 15 members on the Coastal Resources Commission.

- Other commissions including those that protect children's health, promote local and sustainable agriculture.

Take action today and protect volunteers on NC's boards looking out for our health and environment.
Dear [Decision Maker],

I am writing to ask you to oppose any effort in the legislature to pass a bill that would dramatically alter the state's boards and commissions that oversee health, energy, and environmental protections. If passed, Senate Bill 851 would remove scientists, doctors, and conservationists and put industry in a position to essentially regulate itself.

The bill threatens to alter the balance of many important state commissions, including the Coastal Resource Commission, the Environmental Management Commission, one that has saved literally thousands of children's lives, and another that advises state leaders on ways to promote local and sustainable farming.

Please oppose any measure that seeks to imbalance our state's board and commissions with the very industries our state is responsible for regulating.
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