Demand Congress pass paid family leave

(Note: A few people have encountered problems accessing the petition, and we are working on fixing this. For those impacted by this, thank you for your patience!)

Did you know the United States is one of only SEVEN countries in the world without some form of universal paid family and medical leave? It's absolutely ridiculous! Parents deserve to take paid time off to spend time with their newborns and not have to worry about work.

It's been 30 years since the Family and Medical Leave Act became law, and while it was revolutionary at the time, the law has serious gaps in coverage and doesn't provide paid leave. It's past time Congress passed universal paid family leave so that every new parent can spend the time they deserve with their children.

Thankfully, some members of Congress have decided to work across the aisle to make paid leave a reality and have formed a bipartisan working group to take up the issue and get the ball rolling. Now, we need to raise our voices and demand Congress pass legislation to guarantee paid family leave. Add your name now >>

(Already took this action? Go here for other actions!)

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