End Roadside Zoos in Ontario

  • por: Milton J
  • destinatário: Minister of Community Safety, Marie-France Lalonde
Animal rights activists are outraged after footage leaked that shows zookeepers abusing their animals in a small for-profit roadside zoo in Ontario. The video shows one worker using violence towards a sheep, bragging about ripping cougar babies away from their mothers to tame them and calmly excusing their decision to shoot an escaped lion.

The Papanack zoo is one of several for-profit roadside animal attractions in the province that animal rights proponents call the “roadside zoo capital” of Canada. These are zoos that serve no purpose but to generate profit for their owners at the expense of the welfare of the animals they keep.

Roadside zoos are notorious for their mistreatment of animals and are typically not regulated. Animals aren’t props, they are living things, that share our beautiful planet and deserve our respect.

Sign the petition and ask Ontario’s minister of Community Safety, Marie-France Lalonde, to take a stand against animal exploitation and shut down for-profit zoos in the province.

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