Support the Ban on Whale Hunting!!

  • por: Andreas Beier
  • destinatário: Donald Evans, U.S. Secretary of Commerce Donald Evans, U.S. Department of Commerce
Support the Ban on Whale Hunting!!

"The International Whaling Commission is moving to approve the Revised Management Scheme -- a plan that will end the moratorium on commercial whaling. The Global Whale Alliance is calling for a coalition of governments, non-governmental organizations, scientists and the public to oppose the RMS and strengthen the commercial whaling moratorium." --From Sea Shepherd

To urge the United States to withdraw its support for the Revised Management Scheme at the International Whaling Commission, SIGN NOW.

To help more! contact: U.S. Secretary of Commerce Donald Evans
Telephone: 202-482-2112
Fax: 202-482-2741


We, the undersigned, urge you to support an international ban on whaling!

"The International Whaling Commission is moving to approve the Revised Management Scheme -- a plan that will end the moratorium on commercial whaling. The Global Whale Alliance is calling for a coalition of governments, non-governmental organizations, scientists and the public to oppose the RMS and strengthen the commercial whaling moratorium." --From Sea Shepherd

We urge YOU to do everything in your power to protect these gentle giants! Stop whaling today!

The Undersigned
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