President Obama: Add a Shelter Cat to Your Family!
- por: Care2
- destinatário: President Barack Obama
Tthe Obama family announced they would be adopting a puppy to bring to the White House. We would like to request that the Obama family extend their warmth and kindness to a cat as well. About 70 percent of adoptable cats in shelters are euthanized every year. Adoption makes a tremendous difference towards the life of one cat, as well as to the family who adopts.
The Humane Society Legislative Fund endorsed Senator Barack Obama for President, their first ever presidential endorsement. According to HSI, he backed many animal protection laws while in the Illinois State Senate, and now in the Senate has continued to show his support by co-sponsoring numerous animal rights bills. We applaud every politician who recognizes the needs of those without a voice or vote.
President Obama, we've looked at your record of support for animal welfare initiatives and we've listened to your promise to welcome a puppy into your home. Now we encourage you to reach across the aisle and adopt a shelter cat as well!
Dear President Obama,
When the Humane Society Legislative Fund announced their first ever Presidential endorsement of you, we were delighted to hear about all of your past legislative support for animal welfare. We applaud every politician who recognizes the needs of those without a voice or vote.
We also appreciate that your family has decided to adopt a dog from a shelter. We ask that you extend the same warmth and kindness to a cat. 70 percent of adoptable cats in shelters are euthanized every year. Adoption makes a tremendous difference towards the life of one cat, as well as to the family who adopts.
The United States is a pet-loving nation, and the American people would love to see an influential public figure such as yourself save the life of a pet. Please consider adding a shelter cat to your loving family.
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